Carrie Underwood - Temporary Home

Friday, August 6, 2010

"I Know, BUT..."

How many times do we say this in our day-to-day interactions? How many times do we start making a statement, and then completely disregard the first half by saying "but" before the second?

"I really like this, but..."
"I would, but..."
"Trust me, but..."
"I understand, but..."
"It would fit, but..."
"It was great, but..."
"I love [them], but..." (ouch!)

Perhaps one of the most difficult to hear, though sometimes easiest to say, is "I know God will, but..." How can we even justify this? Honestly, we can't. Either trust that God WILL do something or that He WON'T! Some could think that this is more simple to say than do, and there are many who could try to build that case. However, when someone says "I know that God will, but..." what often follows?

"...but this time is different."
"...but I just don't understand."

"...but I can't keep holding on."
"...but He isn't answering my prayers."

"...but it feels like He's left me."

"...but it's so scary."

"...but when?"

Can times be different than before? Yes. Can we be confused about life? Yes. Is God sometimes (seemingly) "silent" or "distant" from us? Yes. Are there times when life is scary and we wonder when God will "come through" and rescue us? Yes. Emotions should not be completely disregarded or called stupid. My point is that emotions should not be used to determine whether or not God is sovereign. God is not controlled by our emotions any more than rising and setting of the sun is controlled by our emotions (aka, never!). God IS sovereign. He DOES have our best interest in mind. He IS with us. He IS holding us. Even when we feel alone and scared, HE IS in control. Period.

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