Carrie Underwood - Temporary Home

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tests, Trials and Economics

Have you ever felt as though no matter how much effort and work you put into making improvements, be it in life or just around your living space, that you still come up...short? What about the times when it has felt like you're just existing, but without any rhyme of reason, and then a curve ball knocks you off your feet? This is one of those times, in many ways.

Living at home after graduating from college can certainly be a challenge. Trying to find a job when feeling pressure to pursue what you thought was going to come from attending a talent showcase, and the person isn't responding to any form of communication, only adds to the challenge. "I want to know what happened to [insert name here]"...thanks, Mom. Considering that he hasn't returned any emails, and obviously has received them because I never received "an angry email" for not emailing him in the first place, I don't really give a care about "what happened to [him]." Why should my life go on hold for someone who built up my hopes of a possible career, in a city I don't even want to move to, when he obviously has no intention of actually working with me? Oh right, I shouldn't. No regrets about attending the showcase are involved. It was still a really good experience with lots of tips to implement.

But what happens next? Standard job searching, just like most people in the country. And, just like most people in the country, there is a lack of success (or even promising leads) in this market. Oh the economy. Of course very few people are going to be hiring new employees when the economy is tanked. Why would they spend more money on employees when they need to be focusing on making sales goals? Oh right, they wouldn't. Heh, yay economy. But, of course, the government isn't going to like receiving a call from me saying "Yeah, I need that deferment option for unemployment... Mhmm... Yes, I know that the President has 'saved jobs' in America... Yes, I've heard that many times... You see the problem is that these jobs aren't anywhere near where I live, or within my qualifications... Yeah... Thanks."

Obama said he wouldn't rest "until everyone in America is employed"... Well, maybe if he started actually making good changes and did things to give the unemployed Americans hope, instead of playing golf and vacationing all the time, the rate of unemployment would drop and his approval ratings would increase. But maybe that's just the opinion of a cynical, unemployed, recent college grad.

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